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Stepping Up: Tips for Removing Creases from Shoes

Creased shoes can be a fashion dilemma, but fear not, there are ways to restore their pristine appearance. How to get creases out of shoes? Here's how:

  1. Wet Towel and Iron: Dampen a towel, place it over the creased area, and gently iron over it on a low setting. The steam helps to relax the leather.

  2. Shoe Trees: Invest in shoe trees to maintain the shoe's shape and minimize creasing when not in use.

  3. Heat and Pressure: Use a hairdryer to warm the creased area, then press it down with your hands or a heavy object while it cools.

  4. Professional Help: Consider professional shoe repair services for stubborn creases or delicate materials.

Remember, prevention is key, so use shoe trees and maintain proper storage to minimize future creases. Share your shoe-care tips and success stories below!

Read more- https://www.technomiz.com/how-to-get-rid-of-creases-in-shoes-in-simple-steps/